UCI Program Home Slider

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The Campuswide Honors Collegium is a community of motivated learners dedicated to scholastic excellence and personal growth that is supported by the resources of a major research university.

Our staff conducts outreach and manages the campus-level application evaluation and  endorsement selection processes for these national and international scholarships, all funded by outside agencies. Some awards require candidates to earn university endorsement; they cannot apply directly to the funding agency.

SOP is able to advise competitive undergraduate candidates at UC Irvine only.

Our office informs students on a select group of 21 prestigious awards that are national and international in scope, including opportunities for funded research and study at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. SOP also facilitates UCI’s processes for evaluating applications and endorsing candidates for awards requiring University nomination.


Catthi Ly

Recent Recipients

  • Catthi Ly — Gates/Cambridge Scholarship Recipient
  • Congratulations to our first prestigious scholarship recipient for the 2022 year!

Other Opportunities

  • Visit the Other Opportunities page for a full list of scholarships and other opportunities that our office does not directly support. These awards do not require campus endorsement or nomination, so please apply directly on your own.